What Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Writing

For years I’ve been inspired by what Dave Ramsey taught me about writing, and today I’m sharing my lessons with you.

What Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Writing

I have learned much about money management from Dave Ramsey, which I have also applied to writing:

1. Pay yourself first.

John Grisham wrote his books on his early morning commutes as a young lawyer. If he had not put in that additional time, even while working 70 hours a week, his novels may not exist today. As Dave says, if you don’t pay yourself first, no one else will. You need to make writing a top priority.

2. Sell the car.

Dave often tells people to sell the car. It’s an investment that loses value quickly and often takes a big chunk out of the budget. You can drive a beater for a while and attack debt with the car payment money. Similarly, when I quit my day job to write full-time, some priorities and expenses needed to be cut right away. That hurt a little, but soon made a big difference, which leads us to the next point.

3) Be consistent.

If you write consistently six days a week (Dave advocates Sabbath rest and so do I), you will live like very few others in the writing world who give up way too soon. Consistency produces a library of content you can endlessly repurpose, plus it helps you find and refine your voice. Do this now, and later you may be able to live like no one else with your writing dreams (I.e. traditionally publishing, speaking, etc.) since you’ll be building that all-important platform.

Thanks goes to Dave Ramsey for his amazing wisdom, which has inspired me more than I ever expected.

What Dave Ramsey taught me about writing - tips for writers. #writingtips #writingcommunity #christianauthor Click To Tweet

More Help for Writers

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