Two Important Reasons to Vote This Year

If you think your vote doesn’t matter, here are two important reasons to vote this year.

Two Important Reasons to Vote This Year

First, the excuses I’ve heard include the following:
1. My vote is just one of many – how could it possibly matter?
2. Someone else’s vote cancels mine out – so why bother?
3. The results are “rigged,” so who cares?
4. The electoral college picks the winners, so why does my vote matter?

I have voted in every presidential election since 1996, the first year I was eligible. I’ve also voted in many local elections, and these are the reasons that motivate me to vote this year and every year.

Two Important Reasons to Vote

1. For most of world history, women have not been granted the right to vote.

In fact, it’s only been 104 years since women could vote in the United States! As a woman, I cherish the right to make my voice heard at the polls. It’s something many of my sisters in Christ around the world in the persecuted church would love to have. I don’t take my right to vote for granted, and if you are a woman, I compel you to cast your vote this year.

2. Most importantly, I filter all of my actions through this verse:

“So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” Romans 14:12 NIV

As Americans, we are automatically born with “five talents” as the parable of the talents in Mt. 25:14-30 describes. We have been given SO MUCH freedom and responsibility, and we will all have to answer to God for how we stewarded it.

When I’ve been tempted to think my vote doesn’t count, I picture myself standing before God’s glorious judgment throne at the grand accounting of my life. I expect God to ask me, “What did you do with the right to vote I gave you?” I want to tell him I took this assignment seriously by voting from an educated position with the best of what I knew at the time.

I hope these thoughts encourage you to vote this year. However, don’t vote just based on the fact that a candidate is a man or woman, white or black, likeable or unlikeable, etc. Do your research and base your decision on voting records, not rhetoric.

Get informed, take your vote seriously, and cover it in prayer. Your vote really matters to God more than anyone else. It’s an investment in the future.

Respectful comments only, please.

Two important reasons to vote this year and every year. #vote #america #ilovetheusa #election Click To Tweet

Pray for America

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