Three Great New Books for Teens and Young Adults

Here are three great new books for teens and young adults. Keep reading to learn more.

Three Great New Books for Teens and Young Adults

I received three great new books for teens and young adults to review, and here are my honest opinions.

The Enneagram for Teens

I’m fascinated by personality tools, and I love discussing the usefulness of the enneagram with my three children (ages 20, 18, and 16). My daughter and I regularly talk about being Enneagram 1’s, and all the delights and challenges of that configuration. We also talk about other types and learn how to relate to them with greater understanding. This book is an excellent introduction to the topic. It gives good insight into understanding yourself and others better, so you can be more loving and forgiving. I highly recommend it.

Get your copy HERE.

Embracing Imperfect

As I’ve said many times, I’m a recovering perfectionist. It would have been wonderful to have this resource when I was a teen and my struggle with perfectionism was at its height. The devotions clearly contrast the difference between being a perfectionist and being a high achiever. I think this is a great way to affirm a teen’s strengths while pointing him or her in a healthier direction.

Order your copy HERE.

Sunny Days Ahead

I have long forced myself to focus on the positive against my natural melancholy bent. This is a great book to help young people do just that. It doesn’t gloss over hard things, yet it does point them in brighter directions, all based on scripture and research. The short chapters of this book and the previous one are great for busy teens and college-aged men and women.

Get your copy HERE.

These all would make great gifts for a teen or young adult in your life. They would also be good books for group discussions.

Three great new books for teens and young adults - check them out here. #embracingimperfect #sunnydaysahead #theenneagramforteens #spiritualgrowth #teenbooks Click To Tweet

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