How to Walk Forward in Faith

How to Walk Forward in Faith

Are you afraid of spiritual heights? Of climbing the mountains God has set before you?

Maybe you’re not sure if God is calling you at all. Maybe you don’t know if the voices in the head belong to you, God or the enemy. Perhaps you don’t know how to move forward.

This single verse in Psalm 143 can help you. I encourage you to read the whole psalm out loud as a prayer to God. But let’s look at this one verse closely together, so we can gain firm footing as we move forward in faith.

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How to Draw Close to God While Writing

Blogger Voices Network

Today I’m posting about drawing close to God while writing as a contributor and host of the Blogger Voices Network. It’s a place where Christian women bloggers can gather for support and encouragement. You can link your posts up on Fridays and join the Facebook community for daily encouragement.

Writing is one of the most challenging endeavors you’ll face. But it can be one of the most rewarding too, especially as you draw close to God while you write.

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