How is the Holy Spirit Working in Your Life?

How is the Holy Spirit Working in Your Life?
How is the Holy Spirit Working in Your Life

How is the Holy Spirit working in your life? Every day, I’m eager to watch how he will weave details together to show me his will.

Watching the Holy Spirit work is exciting. He uses Bible readings, conversations with Christian friends, songs, sermons and Christian books to shape my spiritual journey. I am always finding new surprises in my faith based on how the Holy Spirit is working.

He is at work in your life too, friend. I’d love to hear how you see his work in the comments below.

I’m writing about how the Holy Spirit works in our lives at W2W Ministries today. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

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How to Find Peace in a Hiding Place with God

Are you trying to find peace in your busy life? You can find it by creating a hiding place, where you will meet with God and enjoy one-on-one communion with him.

I’ve gained greater peace in my hiding place with God. Every day I withdraw for a little while, and I return to my busy life feeling centered and calm.

God’s presence gives life and peace. When we intentionally seek him in a hiding place, we can be invigorated in our faith journeys.

I’m writing about how to find peace in a hiding place with God at W2W Ministries today. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

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How to Hear God’s Gentle Whisper

How to Hear God's Gentle Whisper

Do you long to hear God speaking to you? Do you think that’s impossible in your busy schedule?

I’ve learned to recognize when God is speaking to me. I hear God most often when I am quiet and still. It’s difficult to find that space in our fast-paced lives, but when you hear God whisper sweet truth to you, I promise it’s worth the effort.

God’s voice is quiet, gentle and encouraging. He will speak peace into your soul, if you know how to listen.

I’m writing about how to hear God’s gentle whisper at W2W Ministries today. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

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