When You Need a Rescue

When You Need a Rescue

Are you in need of a rescue today? Not from a superhero (although that sounds exciting). No, only the Lord God Almighty can rescue you in a way that makes a difference.

I’ve needed both literal and spiritual rescues many times in my life. We humans just aren’t made to handle issues on our own, and we desperately need God’s rescue when we feel overwhelmed by life’s problems.

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Seeking God in the Quiet: Why Quiet Time is Essential

Seeking God in the Quiet: Why Quiet Time is Essential

Do you know that you can seek God more effectively in quiet times? My relationship with God has flourished most when I hush all the noise around me and get quiet with him.

We can hear the still, small voice of God better in the quiet. The Bible tells us the value of quiet time, and Jesus himself sought a quiet time with his Father regularly. As difficult as it can be to carve out quiet time with God, it’s essential for growing our faith and cultivating a peaceful heart.

Today at Woman 2 Woman Ministries, I share why quiet time is essential and how you can seek a deeper relationship with God when you quiet your noisy life. Here’s a peek at my post, and I hope you’ll head over to read the rest.

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How Your Faith Can Grow in Life’s Transitions

How Your Faith Can Grow in Life's Transitions

If you are facing one of life’s transitions, God can use it to grow your faith. My faith has grown through both the good transitions and the hard transitions, because God used them to draw me closer to him.

Maybe you are facing a hard transition right now. I understand how it’s hard to find hope in one of life’s tough transitions. But if you look closely enough, you will see that God is using your current transition to grow your faith and build your character.

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