Guest Interview: Christie Purifoy

On Wednesdays in my Meeting God in the Garden series, I feature guest interviews with other Christian gardeners.  Today I want to introduce you to author Christie Purifoy.

Christie Purifoy garden

Christie Purifoy

Christie lives with her husband and four children at Maplehurst, an old, brick farmhouse in southeastern Pennsylvania. Her first book Roots and Sky: A Journey Home in Four Seasons was published by Revell on February 2, 2016.

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Quotes from The Fruitful Life


The Fruitful Life: A Unique Look at the Fruits of the Spirit

My newest Bible study is called The Fruitful Life:  A Unique Look at the Fruits of the Spirit.  This book is a study on the fruits of the spirit and their common opposites.  Those nagging sins like impatience, anxiety, and indulgence which seem to hang around no matter what I do to prevent them.  I’m writing each chapter with a personal story, then a look at God’s way, Jesus’ example, and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment.  I know I can’t get past my nagging sins without God’s help.  I’m writing this book to help you and me uncover hidden sins and grow closer to God.

Here is a sneak peek of quotes from each chapter:

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