How to Hand Christmas Over to the Prince of Peace

How to Hand Christmas Over to the Prince of Peace

Struggling to find peace this Christmas? The Prince of Peace offers it to you.

One Christmas morning at 12:15 a.m., I sat on the stairs in our living room, holding back tears.

The presents were wrapped. The stockings were stuffed. The casserole was in the refrigerator, ready for our breakfast, only six hours away. The children were sleeping with sugarplum dreams, and my husband was snoring.

But I was exhausted. Physically and emotionally spent before Jesus’s birthday celebration.

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5 Ways to Gain Last-Minute Christmas Peace

5 Ways to Gain Last-Minute Christmas Peace

We’re now in the throes of busy December.  How is your current peace level?

Even though I’ve written a book titled Christmas Peace for Busy Moms, I’m struggling to keep my peace intact.

Many tasks, activities, and obligations abound in the next couple weeks.  If I survey them all at once, overwhelm threatens.

That’s why I’m seeking practical steps to find peace in the midst of holiday stress.  Here are five ways I’m reaching out for last-minute Christmas peace.   

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