In my eighth grade year, my mom created a Christmas special memory for me.
Christmas memories
12 Days of Christmas Memories: Child of Divorce

Daddy’s car died on that freezing winter day as we headed to the first Christmas in his new house.
He said we’d have to walk the rest of the way. I was frightened, afraid to fall on the ice. He carried my sister but couldn’t carry me and stay balanced. He took my hand and we began walking, watching every step.
12 Days of Christmas Memories: Church

The heart of my childhood Christmas memories lies in the church.
Like all students at my Lutheran school, I participated in the annual Christmas program.
12 Days of Christmas Memories: Grandparents

My constant source of Christmas happiness came from my grandparents’ home.
As a child of divorce, Christmas often came with feelings of sorrow. Holiday celebrations were divided between several different places and often felt chaotic and stressful.
But the celebration at Grandpa and Grandma’s house was a constant over the years, a source of happiness and contentment. A guarantee of good times.