Does loving others come naturally to you? To be honest, it doesn’t come easily for me. But Bob Goff’s newest book, Everybody Always, is showing me ways to let go, embrace God’s will, and love differently.
Bob is a gifted storyteller with a zest for life and a giant heart for people. I enjoyed his first book Love Does, and Everybody, Always
is even better, in my opinion. Keep reading to learn how this book can revolutionize the ways you love others.
Stories of Loving Others in Epic Ways
Bob Goff is one of those rare, larger-than-life people. He’s a lawyer, activist, ambassador, and skydiver. Has an “office” in Disneyland, of all places. Funny and smart, playful and winsome. I imagine he’s the energy source of every party he attends.
I’m SO opposite from him! I’m the observer, the one who is quiet and standoffish at parties. The classic introvert who adores working from home in total peace and quiet. I don’t typically strike up conversation with strangers. Different though we may be, Bob’s stories inspired me because he unveils God’s truth rather than his own.
His stories have staying power. It’s been over a week since I read the book, and I can still instantly recall the stories of his jumping out of a plane with his son, inviting a humble airport inspector over for Christmas dinner, carrying a bucket around to grow in patience, and working to reform the worst witch doctor in Uganda. Colorful, engaging stories that will hook you and teach you new truths.
One Powerful Story about Loving Others
Here’s one story that seared itself into my heart. He decided to show love to a limo driver in Orlando. Bob struck up a lively conversation with this man in an overlooked position, then actually switched places with him so the driver could enjoy his own limo ride. They had a blast together, because Bob decided to love this guy the way Jesus would. At the end of the ride, Bob pinned a medal on the driver and said, “You’re brave. You’re courageous.”
This next quote stopped me in my tracks:
“When the limo driver went home that night to the woman he’s been living with for the past ten years, do you think he told her he’d met a Christian guy that day who told him he was supposed to be married? Of course not! I bet he told her he’d met a guy who told him who he was.”
How many times have I judged others, whether silently or out loud, because they were different from me? How often have I held people at arm’s length due to fear and self-protection? I need to trust that if Jesus commands me to love others the way He loves them, He will provide the means for me to do it. He will teach me how to love in epic ways, just as He has taught Bob Goff.
Learn how to love in epic new ways through Bob Goff's new book, Everybody, Always. Click To TweetAn Excerpt from Everybody Always
View this video for a short, funny excerpt that packs a powerful lesson.
Honest and Thoughtful Look at Loving Others
Bob’s book is entertaining; I belly-laughed several times. Yet the spiritual truths kept me reading Everybody, Always straight through. I really want to do a better job of loving others, because I want to follow God’s will. Bob’s humorous, self-effacing examples give me much to consider.
For the past month, I’ve been writing posts about setting boundaries. I’ve been focused on the truth side of the equation. You can’t have love without truth, and I’m so thankful Bob acknowledges this in the very first chapter. He writes:
“Are there people you should give a wide berth to? You bet. There are people in my life and yours who are unsafe, toxic, and delight in sowing discord wherever they go. God gave us discernment, and we should use it as we live our lives. He’s also given us love and understanding and kindness and the ability to forgive, which have power we often leave untapped.”
The main point of this book is to stop withholding love when it is in our power to give it. We need to keep our eyes open every day for ways to “become love” to other people.
Does Everybody, Always look interesting to you? Do you know someone who would appreciate its warmth and wisdom? Please click on the provided links to check it out!
Thanks goes to Netgalley for a free preview copy of this wonderful book.
Disclosure: By clicking on the links above to purchase the book, I receive a small affiliate bonus at NO additional cost to you. Thank you in advance for helping me offset the costs of my writing ministry!
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