This is the fifth prayer in a series of Easter prayers, featuring photos from my friend’s recent trip to the Holy Land. Today’s photos are from the Garden of Gethsemane.

Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast episode.
You first gave us life
in a garden, a perfect
creation full of wonder.
Every tree shouted your glory.
Every leaf rustled praise.
Every flower offered its worship.
Every fruit tasted of your blessings.
We corrupted that garden,
grabbing its beauty
for our own selfish pleasure
and your heart broke.
Our sin destroyed fellowship
and you had to cast us away
from your holiness.
Thorns and thistles have pierced us
ever since.
Every garden since then
hints at the original
yet suffers under the curse
of the death we invited.
Visit the Garden of Gethsemane with me today. #maundythursday #holyweek Click To TweetOn the night before you were betrayed
you sought a space for prayer
inside an imperfect yet beautiful garden.
You found a solitary place
where you knelt down to pray
casting your heart before the Father.
You prayed for unity that night
among your church, yet unformed.
You prayed for us, your followers
thousands of years in the future.
You asked for the cup of suffering to pass.
As your Father said no
you must have set your resolve
on the vision only you could see:
a perfect garden
lit only by your glory
with the tree of life
bearing twelve crops of fruit
with leaves of healing
for all the nations.
Where the curse is broken
because of your sacrifice.
Where you will reign
forever and ever
and we will live with you
in perfect peace.
Did you enjoy this prayer? Read the first, second, third, and fourth prayer in this series.
Questions for reflection:
Read Genesis 2 with Revelation 22. What similarities do you see in these two gardens?
Read Jesus’ prayer for all believers from the Garden of Gethsemane in John 17:20-26. What verse means the most to you this Holy Week?
Prayer from the Garden of Gethsemane #maundythursday #prayer #holyweek Click To TweetIf you liked this post, I would appreciate your shares on social media!
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