People Are Worth the Pain is a quote I read in Nancy Guthrie’s book, “The One Year Book of Hope,” and I’m pondering it with you today.
For Lent 2025, I’ll be writing new blog posts every day. I’m writing for just five unedited minutes on a quote of the day to deepen our faith in this Lenten season.
Day 6 of Lent 2025- March 10
I read this quote in Nancy Guthrie’s book, “The One Year Book of Hope.” It has been my morning devotional for several months, and you can buy a copy of the book HERE.
Nancy has suffered greatly in her life. Two of her children died before their first birthdays due to a rare disease. The devotional covers how she clung to hope despite the intense pain she felt.
She talks about how people have great power to help, but also great power to harm, especially when we are suffering. As I suffered after my massively traumatic divorce, people often said things that made things much worse, though they were trying to help. Here’s a useful meme I found during that time that I refer to now when I’m unsure what to say to someone who is suffering:
Why I Need to Remember People Are Worth the Pain
I want to remember that even when people hurt me, people are worth the pain. They are often Jesus-with-skin-on for me in moments when I need them most. People often let me down, yet I need people in my life.
In fact, in the past three difficult years, the best I’ve felt is when I’m with people. This is a reversal for me as an introvert. My baseline is to spend time alone to recharge. Of course, that’s still true, as it’s my nature. However, I’ve learned how truly dependent I am on the body of Christ – my Christian brothers and sisters – to support me when I’m needy, lonely, broken, depressed, and desperate. Those feelings are triggers to call someone, get out of my house, go to church even if I don’t feel like it, and keep meeting with my small group.
My tendency is to isolate, especially when I’ve been hurt by someone close to me. However, I’ve learned that people are worth the pain. The payoff is greater than the disappointments due to their imperfections. What they offer in time, conversation, listening, affirmation, and laughter is worth its weight in gold.
It’s been good for me to learn that people are worth the pain in my time of suffering. In a few situations, God has invited me to persist even though I didn’t see a payoff of my investment in people. I have to trust that because God knows that people are worth the pain to him, they can be worth the pain of disappointment and loss to me as well. As long as I’m doing his will and not putting myself in a position of abuse, I can have peace that the pain is worth it.
Join me again tomorrow for another reflection on a different quote.
'People are worth the pain...' - ponder this quote with me. #quote #quoteoftheday #lent #spiritualgrowth Click To TweetFind all my additional resources for Lent on this page.
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