How to Make a Resurrection Garden for Family Devotions

A resurrection garden is a fun project that can spark interesting family devotions. It’s a great way to celebrate Lent with your children. You’ll need to build it several weeks before Easter so the grass seed has time to grow. I wrote about the spiritual meanings of the different pieces in this post. You can … Read more

I was the carrot

I’ve had to adjust to three of my parents’ remarriages, so when I heard Ron Deal speak on Family Life Today, I was intrigued with his idea of a slow cooker as a metaphor for blended families. Deal says when a blended family begins they need to adjust slowly, on a low simmer in a slow cooker. … Read more

3 Takeaways from Pixar’s Inside Out

Almost every time I see a Pixar movie with my children, I end up crying as quietly as possible in the dark theater.  Inside Out was no different in that respect.  This time I cried less for the main character’s plight than I did for the ways the story line resonated with me as an adult child of … Read more

God’s Refrigerator

  I love my cluttered collection of magnets, photos, and business cards on the sides of my refrigerator.   When I take a phone call or sort our recycling items, I look over my collection and it makes me smile.  Corny, glittered mementos from tourist shops. Handmade creations from my children’s classrooms.  Oldie-but-goodie prints from our … Read more