My New Services for Christian Authors

I’m excited to announce my new services for Christian authors today!

My New Services for Christian Authors

Last weekend I reinvested in my business by purchasing an IMac, which will help me add these services to my offerings for authors:

  • Book cover design
  • Interior formatting
  • Illustration

I already offer these services which perfectly fit in with my new services for Christian authors:

  • Editing
  • Book launch management
  • 12-month marketing plan

Why did I add this now?

In the past two years, I have been asked these questions at least 20 times:
“Do you design book covers?”
“Do you do interior formatting?”

My answer was that I only did this for my own books because they require Adobe software, and I was stuck using my beloved dinosaur, a 2003 EMac. I was OK using that slow computer for my own projects, but not for clients.

For two years I have prayed for the finances to be able to go pick up a new computer from the Apple Store in St. Louis. Since I have been blessed with many book launch contracts lately, I decided to reinvest a portion of them for this purchase and trust God to provide.
Getting my new IMac was pure joy, and I can’t wait to start using it to help authors.

I am putting packages together so you can take advantage of affordable pricing for polishing, publishing, and marketing your book.

Reach out to me HERE for a free discovery call to discuss the best plan for you!

Do you need editing, interior formatting, book cover design, illustration, book launch management, or help with book marketing? Learn more here. #booklaunch #bookmarketing #christianauthor Click To Tweet

Book Marketing Mastery to Help Your Book Sales

I’m passionate about offering my Book Marketing Mastery group, where I lay out principles for a 12+ month book marketing plan to help authors sell their books without sounding salesy and wearing people out with their constant book posts.

Are You Looking for a Book Launch Manager?

If you’re launching a book in 2024 or beyond, be sure to book a call with me HERE to discuss your book launch. I’ve had over 40 clients since 2022, and I’d love to speak with you!

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