Here’s a Secret About Book Sales

Here’s a little-known secret about book sales I learned from my publisher at Leafwood.

Here’s a Secret About Book Sales

Duane at Leafwood Publishers told me that your book needs to be sold twice, not just once.

We all know the first one: it must be purchased from a brick and mortar store or an online retailer.

The second one is the secret: it needs to be sold AGAIN once it’s in the reader’s possession. This is where it gets really hard, because lots of things compete for your reader’s attention.

Think about it:
How many other items are competing for your attention if a book you are reading is on your bedside table or kitchen table, or in your bag? Literally thousands, right?

Also, if you read on your Kindle (or your Kindle app like I do on my IPhone), there are so many other things competing for your attention there too.

This secret about book sales can be your motivation for marketing your book. I have told my 100+ clients that writing is only 20-30 percent of the process, and marketing is 70-80 percent of the process.

You’ll need to do this before your book launches, during the launch itself, and for at least a year after the launch, and I can teach you how.

Book Marketing Mastery to Help Your Book Sales

I’m passionate about offering my Book Marketing Mastery group, where I lay out principles for a 12+ month book marketing plan to help authors sell their books without sounding salesy and wearing people out with their constant book posts.

This group is part of several services I offer for authors, including editing, book launch management, and more – you can learn about them on my Services page.

How did this secret resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.\

Authors, here is a secret you need to know about book sales. #booklaunch #bookmarketing #christianauthor Click To Tweet

Are You Looking for a Book Launch Manager?

If you’re launching a book in 2024 or beyond, be sure to book a call with me HERE to discuss your book launch. I’ve had over 40 clients since 2022, and I’d love to speak with you!

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