He Even Surprises Us With Special Gifts

He Even Surprises Us With Special Gifts is a quote I read in Rosann S. Coulon’s book, “40 Days to God, My Father,” and I’m pondering it with you today.

For Lent 2025, I’ll be writing new blog posts every day. I’m writing for just five unedited minutes on a quote of the day to deepen our faith in this Lenten season.

Day 7 of Lent 2025- March 11


I read this quote in Rosann S. Coulon’s new book, “40 Days to God, My Father: Finding Shelter in the Heart of God.” I recently received it as a surprise gift in my mailbox, and you can buy a copy of the book HERE.

Rosann has faced many trials, which she outlines in the book. She’s struggled with disappointment and hurts as a child of an addict, someone struggling with financial issues and a sufferer of chronic illness. Yet in this book of brief, encouraging devotions, she tells how she held onto faith in those hard times, and shares Bible stories of encouragement.

Though Rosann and I have followed each other for years on social media, I didn’t know the extent of her suffering until I started reading her book. Her struggles help me feel less lonely in my struggles, and I’m thankful for this affirmation through her book. I’m also encouraged by the story she shares on Day 21, Unexpected Gifts of Goodness. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but I will say it’s a great story that’s helping me reflect on how God has surprised me with special gifts right when I needed them, though I didn’t expect them.

One particular time stands out to me. Today, I realized it’s a testimony that he even surprises us with special gifts. I’m recounting it here:

Post from Nov. 27, 2021

This weaving is a new treasure for me, and I have an encouraging testimony to share with you.⠀

Recently I had a conversation with my intern about some money problems. She encouraged me to start tithing on everything I make. Though I have always given to the church, I have not been specific about giving a full 10 percent.⠀

I was in the throne room praying on Sun., Nov. 21, like I do every week. I prayed about all of my money issues and set them on the altar. Then, God brought to mind a beautiful weaving I saw at the craft fair the day before. It had a price tag of $120.⠀

In the prayer room, God told me to go back to the craft fair and purchase it as a symbol of the redeeming work he will do in me regarding the trauma I’ve experienced over finances. He said that if I purchase it in faith (I rarely spend that much on myself on one single item), he will provide the recompense for it.⠀

God wants me to display it in my office and every time I see it, pray that I will be like a well-watered garden as promised in Isaiah 58:11. He also told me to make that verse my meditation verse for 2022, since I have picked a verse every year:⠀

The Lord will guide you continually,⠀

giving you water when you are dry⠀

and restoring your strength.⠀

You will be like a well-watered garden,⠀

like an ever-flowing spring.⠀

Isaiah 58:11 NLT⠀

Joel Muddamalle has said that gardens are a sign of God’s kingdom in the Bible. Only kings could afford to have gardens because they required a large supply of potable water and a paid staff to maintain them. When we see gardens in the Bible, they are a sign of God’s kingly presence, abundant provision, and beauty.⠀

I was overcome with tears of joy when God revealed this in the throne room. I was also overjoyed to find the weaving waiting for me on Sunday. It’s now hanging in my office.

Then, on Wed., Nov. 24, I received a blessing check of $100 out of the blue from one of my launch team members for my teen girl book. I tithed on that check, and I’ll continue tithing on everything I receive this month.⠀

So grateful to join this adventure with God!

He Even Surprises Us With Special Gifts

Today I’m following up with you on that testimony.

God knew that in just six weeks from that posting, my marriage would come to a horrific end, and three years of intense trauma and spiritual warfare would result.
But I didn’t know that, of course.

After my husband left me, I brought the weaving up from my office and hung it on my bedroom door, where I could stare at it from my place in bed.

Every time I looked at it, I was forced to remember the testimony and the accompanying verse, even when I doubted its validity.

There were many times I didn’t feel like a well-watered garden. Instead, I felt like a dried-up wasteland. However, God’s presence has never left me, even on the hardest nights. His presence has made me a well-watered garden despite the intense suffering I faced.

Now I can look back on this testimony with a greater appreciation for the timely gift. I see how God used this beautiful weaving to tether me to him, even when I was unsure if I wanted to hang on any longer. I have found shelter in the heart of God, as Rosann’s book subtitle states. I’m using her book to draw closer to him and thank him for the surprise gifts he gives along with the daily manna I need.

It’s even more timely as I am currently attacking the significant debts I’ve incurred post-divorce due to my inability to work to capacity from complex PTSD. Thankfully, I’m in a different place emotionally now, and I can look at this weaving as encouragement for my financial issues again. This is a great full-circle moment for me, and it’s good to celebrate that special gift from God again.

Join me again tomorrow for another reflection on a different quote. I encourage you to reflect on a special gift God has given you and let me know about it in the comments.

'He even surprises us with special gifts...' - ponder this quote with me. #quote #quoteoftheday #lent #spiritualgrowth Click To Tweet

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