Writing for five unedited minutes on the prompt, Weak. Thoughts about my new book on the fruits of the spirit.
When my love is weak, apathy spreads.
When my joy is weak, irritation climbs.
When my peace is weak, anxiety rises.
When my patience is weak, impatience grows.
When my kindness is weak, selfishness multiplies.
When my goodness is weak, worldiness increases.
When my gentleness is weak, harshness overshadows.
When my faithfulness is weak, I am scattered everywhere.
When my self-control is weak, my indulgence does me in.
the Holy Spirit lifts me up
resets my branch to its perfect height
trains me to the trellis
cuts off all the brambles
the prickly thorns
the wandering vines
making me fruitful once more
in his perfect
and might.
You’ve just read an outline of my new book in the format of a poem. I’d love for you to join me for this study, releasing March 5. The online Bible study will be held here March 6-31. This is a perfect study for the cleansing, meditative season of Lent. Please comment below and let me know you are interested!
Please vote 17 on this link: Click HERE! so I can make my publishing dream come true. God set me free from my fear of abandonment, and I want the world to know!
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