Deepest Longings of Your Heart

Deepest Longings of Your Heart is a portion of a quote I read in “Make Sense of Your Story,” and I’m pondering it with you today.

For Lent 2025, I’ll be writing new blog posts every day. I’m writing for only five unedited minutes on a quote of the day to deepen our faith in this Lenten season.

Day 21 of Lent 2025 – March 25

I just downloaded this new book on my Kindle last night, and it is blowing me away. Within the first three chapters, I was sobbing because it cut me to the core. Like Adam, I have invested tens of thousands of hours in my healing journey over the past few decades. Also, like him, I read hundreds of books, spent thousands of hours in therapy, and attended many seminars to heal and grow. However, I hadn’t considered his strategy for healing until I started reading this book.

I’ve listened to Adam’s podcast, The Place We Find Ourselves, for years. I even featured parts of it on my podcast episode HERE. My friend recommended the podcast to me, and it permanently changed my perspective on healing from a lifetime of abuse.

Last night, when I read this quote, I pondered it deeply. The premise of his book is wrapped up in this quote. He’s saying it’s not enough to simply state the facts of your trauma, for example, that you are a child of an alcoholic. Adam posits that we must go deeply into individual moments of our trauma to be healed from those painful moments. We must revisit them in detail, trusting that God can redeem them as we do the work.

The Deepest Longings of Your Heart and the Most Devastating Disappointments

I have experienced much growth and healing in the past three years, but this book shows me there is more work to do. There are more disappointments to explore and more longings of my heart to name. Some have even occurred in just the past six months. Adam states that we must reconcile ourselves with ourselves, God, others, and the earth, and I’m looking forward to learning more as I keep reading.

Why invest in this work after I’ve already done so much to heal? Because I want to be ready for the next chapter of my life without the baggage of unresolved hurt. I want my wounds to turn into sacred scars. If this is what it takes, I’ll do it, even though the work will certainly be painful.

If you’re ready for a deep dive into the healing journey, I couldn’t recommend a better book for you. It’s not a quick or easy read, but it’s a massively helpful and insightful one. I learned about it by following Adam on Instagram, and I’m glad I invested in my healing again by purchasing the book HERE.

Join me again tomorrow for another reflection on a different quote. I encourage you to share your thoughts about today’s quote in the comments below.

'Deepest longings of your heart...' - ponder this quote with me. #quote #quoteoftheday #lent #spiritualgrowth Click To Tweet

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