Have you ever taken a 31-day challenge? I’m inviting you to meditate on God’s Word every day in August with me.
Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast episode:
Christian meditation is a proven way to increase your peace level. I also recently heard from my counselor that anxiety is on the rise, at levels higher than it was even when the pandemic began. People are stressed out about the beginning of the school year and they are also sick and tired of feeling lonely.
If you want to overcome in any area of struggle, the Bible holds power to help you defeat the lies of the enemy and the hangups you have, right in that specific area.
By meditating on a key verse of Scripture for 31 days, you can experience breakthrough in a specific thought life area. I hope you’ll join me on this 31-day journey in August 2020. Here are a few tips to help you get started. You can use them anytime you want to start a Christian meditation challenge.
If you want to overcome in any area of struggle, the Bible holds power to help you right now. #christianmeditation #31daysofchristianmeditation Click To Tweet
How to Do a 31-Day Christian Meditation Challenge
Right now is the best time to prepare for this challenge. If you apply these steps now, you’ll be ready for this 31-day challenge, whenever you choose to start it.
1. Start with prayer.
Each December, I choose a mediation verse for the entire year. I begin by praying about which verse God wants me to choose. Then I read the Bible, listen to broadcasts, and read Christian books, keeping my heart open to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. The verse tends to define the year for me. This year, God helped me choose Galatians 6:9, which I’ll be using as my daily meditation verse for our 31-day challenge.
If you have a specific problem area right now, like anxiety or loneliness, commit that area to prayer. Ask God to give you a verse that will help you overcome that area by Sept. 1. Pray specifically and fervently, seeking guidance from God. He will provide you a Scripture in his perfect wisdom.
2. Pick your verse.
Once you’ve decided on a focus area, it’s time to choose your verse. I like to use biblegateway.com to search for verses by topic. Simply type a keyword into the search bar, and toggle the translations to find a verse that resonates with you. If anxiety is your main struggle, you may benefit from this course I created for you.
I have several resources to help you choose a verse. You can check out this post to find verses that I used to build the framework for my book on Christian meditation. If you’ve already purchased my book, choose a verse from the chapter that resonates most with you. If you have yet to purchase my book, you can download it now on Kindle for only $2.99, or pick it up from any of these retailers.
As a subscriber to Tea on Tuesdays, you have access to my Library of printables, many of which have Bible verses by topic. I have a new topical printable of verses, along with one on loneliness, ready for you when you sign up (all the way at the bottom of this post).
3. Plan to layer.
You will be able to remember your Bible verse better if you layer your methods. Simply reading the words usually isn’t enough to secure it in your mind. If you also speak the verse out loud, that’s layering an audio level of memory. By writing the verse out, you can have up to 40 percent better memory retention than simply reading it. Plus, then you can display the written verse on your dashboard, desk, or windowsill for a visual layer of memory.
The more you engage with your meditation verse, the more likely it will be hidden in your heart and mind forever. I’ll be sharing more tips for engaging with your verse in the 31-day challenge. See below for the places where I’ll be sharing those tips every day in August 2020.
4. Choose accountability.
In any challenge we do, we will stick with it more if we have an accountability partner. I’m willing to be your accountability partner on this 31-day journey in August! Here are the places and times I’ll be engaged every day in August 2020.
Watch the videos on this playlist.
You can watch the videos on IGTV HERE.
Search for the hashtag #31daysofchristianmeditation on Twitter and the videos will pop up.
Follow me HERE if Twitter is your jam.
On my Facebook page, watch the videos HERE.
A bonus for you: Every time you respond with a comment on any of these channels, I promise to stop and pray for you.
It is my honor to host this challenge, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit when I was recording this Instagram Live interview last week with my hostess in Bahrain. The Lord will move in powerful ways through this 31-day challenge, and I’m hoping you’ll consider joining in!
4 tips for doing a 31-day challenge on #christianmeditation. #31days #31daysofchristianmeditation Click To TweetPrayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of your Word!
I believe it holds living power, sharper than a sword.
I trust you will use the power of Scripture to transform me.
Reveal the primary area of struggle for me right now, Holy Spirit.
Help me choose a verse of Scripture to overcome in this area.
May I experience breakthrough as I meditate on your Word.
I thank you in advance for the ways you will use this verse to inspire me.
In Jesus’ Name,
Do you have a prayer request to share with me, or feedback on this post? Send me an email on my Contact page.
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