Trading Anxiety for Peace

I will get caught up in anxiety unless I spend time every day in God's presence. #fruitfullifebook #fruitsofthespirit #biblestudy #faith

When was the last time a real threat triggered your anxiety?

Yesterday I faced a tense situation at work.  I had to keep my emotions in check to remain professional.  Yet my anxiety churned inside and I had a hard time keeping myself under control.  I was edgy, quiet, and humorless.  I’m sure my smiles looked forced.

After the situation was resolved, my pent-up anxiety leaked out in weird ways.  I felt inexplicably grouchy for almost an hour.  I got a little snappy, and I withdrew into a small project where I could block everything out.  During this hour of leaky anxiety, I didn’t really feel in control of myself.  My emotions were overriding my normal calm, composed demeanor in ways I didn’t understand, but I couldn’t stop.

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Nothing Can Steal My Joy

Years ago, I faced a difficult work situation which regularly brought me to tears.  I tried hard to finish out my contract with strength and faith, but the trials often got to me.  I looked for ways to cope.

On the way to my weekly meetings, I popped in Mandisa’s True Beauty CD.  Hearing her up-tempo rendition of “Nothin’s Gonna Steal My Joy” always boosted my spirits.  In the song’s bridge, Mandisa’s powerful soprano soars to mountain heights.  Her mighty high note brought me right to the feet of God’s throne.  

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Love, Not Apathy

I want to be open to giving and receiving love the way God does. #fruitfullifebook

Somewhere inside, is your heart closed off in apathy, no longer able to love?

Even though I want to love the way Jesus loved, openly and freely, I confess my heart is closed off in a specific area.

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