When It’s Time to Leave, Be Brave

When It's Time to Leave, Be Brave IG

I’m honored to guest post about a time to leave at my friend Crystal’s site today. In this post, I tell the story of how I needed courage to pursue my calling as a writer, and the path God led me down to take a crucial leap. Here’s a snippet of the post, and I hope you’ll head over to Crystal’s site to read the rest.

Some people are born brave. I’m not one of them.

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How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers

How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers
How to Grow Your Faith With Small Prayers

Do you offer small prayers to God, or do you wait to offer only the big ones? 

Today I discuss how to grow your faith with small prayers on my friend Sarah Koontz’ blog, Living By Design.

Sarah is an inspirational speaker and Bible study writer who I’ve admired for a long time. You can check out my recent review for her Wisdom Whispers study here, and read a fun interview I did with her last year here.

Now, here’s a teaser of my post on Sarah’s blog. I hope you’ll hop over to it and read the rest!

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How to Hand Christmas Over to the Prince of Peace

How to Hand Christmas Over to the Prince of Peace

Struggling to find peace this Christmas? The Prince of Peace offers it to you.

One Christmas morning at 12:15 a.m., I sat on the stairs in our living room, holding back tears.

The presents were wrapped. The stockings were stuffed. The casserole was in the refrigerator, ready for our breakfast, only six hours away. The children were sleeping with sugarplum dreams, and my husband was snoring.

But I was exhausted. Physically and emotionally spent before Jesus’s birthday celebration.

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Exploring God’s Path for Your Life, Part 4

Exploring God's Path for Your Life: A 4-Part Series

I am absolutely thrilled to have my friend Julie Holmquist from Stuff of Heaven to speak about special needs parenting for the final installment of this blog series on your life’s path. We have discussed knowing when a storm is coming and how to seek God’s guidance. Today, Julie has written a lovely guest post on unexpected turns in her life path, and how she clung to her faith in those unexpected turns. Welcome, dear Julie!

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