Last time I wrote about weeding sin from my heart’s garden. Today, I will tell you the best time to pull those stubborn weeds out.
Guest Interview: Michele Morin
On Wednesdays in my Meeting God in the Garden series, I will feature guest interviews with other Christian gardeners. In today’s guest interview, I want to introduce you to my fellow blogger and gardener, Michele Morin.
Weeding My Heart’s Garden
This is a story about how weeding prompts me to practice confession for my sins.
Listen to this podcast episode HERE.
Out in the countryside where I live, weeds outnumber grass ten to one. Our “lawn” is full of clover, plantains, dandelions, and wild violets. The weeds try hard to creep into all of my cultivated beds. A bare patch of soil seems an invitation for havoc.
How to Worship God through a Garden’s Beauty
Listen to this as a podcast episode HERE.
Is any place more beautiful than a well-tended garden?
God planted a love of beauty in our hearts, back in the garden of Eden, intended to help us worship him. Eve first opened her eyes in the most beautiful garden that has ever existed. Can you imagine her delight and pleasure in those first moments, when her gaze first took in God’s glorious creation?
Guest Interview with Barb Bailey
On Wednesdays in my Meeting God in the Garden series, I will feature guest interviews with other Christian gardeners. Today I’m featuring a guest interview with my friend and fellow gardener Barb Bailey.