Seeking God’s Green Hope

Seeking God's Green Hope

Are you seeking God’s green hope today? Today, I tell about my regular search for green hope in my devotion at Encouragement for Today. If you are joining me for the first time from Proverbs 31 Ministries’ links, welcome!

I have a free printable of Bible verses to help you seek God’s green hope, and a book giveaway too! But first, I want to share photos of what inspired this devotion for Proverbs 31 Ministries.

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The Power of Unity as a Weapon of Righteousness

The Power of Unity as a Weapon of Righteousness

Do you know about the power of unity as a weapon of righteousness? This is the fifth post in the Weapons of Righteousness Series, the ways we can engage in spiritual warfare for God’s glory.

Unity is a current buzzword, but it’s been God’s goal for his people for centuries. Today I want to break down the areas we can strive for unity and how we can do that.

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An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

An Unprecedented Opportunity for Hospitality

Did you know we have an unprecedented opportunity for hospitality coming up soon? It is one of the weapons of righteousness we can use to fight back against the spiritual warfare going on in our culture today.

This is the third installment of my Weapons of Righteousness series, which has already included the weapons of reading God’s Word, prayer and choosing hope; praise; and Christian meditation.

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