Are you having a crisis of faith over finances? I understand what it’s like to face these fears, yet have faith when finances falter. Here’s a story of how I clung to faith when our finances took a hit.
Faith Stories
The Value of Peer Encouragement
Motherhood can be a lonely journey, but it’s a joy in the company of other moms.
You could say the same about writing. It is a lonely process, but it’s much better with other writers.
How to Repair Your Heart as an Adult Child of Divorce
If you are an adult child of divorce, I know how deeply your heart has been torn. Even if your parents divorced decades ago, you still have scars that sometimes hurt. I have learned how to repair my heart with God’s help, and I want to give you hope through my story.
How to Make a Resurrection Garden for Family Devotions
A resurrection garden is a fun project that can spark interesting family devotions. It’s a great way to celebrate Lent with your children. You’ll need to build it several weeks before Easter so the grass seed has time to grow.
I wrote about the spiritual meanings of the different pieces in this post. You can use this information to teach your children the meaning of the resurrection garden and how God grows our faith during Lent. I’ve also written a 40-day devotional to accompany your project–see signup details below.
Building your resurrection garden is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to do it.
Reforming the Spheres
A range of emotions swept over me as I watched the video clips before the sermon. Shock, since I don’t meet face-to-face with such secular worldviews in my job at a Christian school. A mix of fear and overwhelm and doubt, since I try so hard to prepare my children to be lights in this … Read more