An Advent Mindset: Zechariah’s Shift

An Advent Mindset - Zechariah's Shift

Do you have an Advent mindset? Zechariah’s shift in mindset can inspire you this year.

Happy second week of Advent! I’m happy to delve deeper into the biblical accounts with you during Advent.

We’ll be taking a closer look at what was going on in the mindset of people in the biblical account before and during Jesus’ birth. Then we’ll discuss what their mindset can teach us about how to think during Advent.

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An Advent Mindset: Mary’s Prayer

An Advent Mindset - Mary's Prayer

Do you have an Advent mindset? Mary’s prayer can inspire your mindset this year.

Today we start a four-week series of Advent-themed posts. I’m happy to delve deeper into the biblical accounts with you during Advent.

We’ll be taking a closer look at what was going on in the mindset of people in the biblical account before and during Jesus’ birth. Then we’ll discuss what their mindset can teach us about how to think during Advent.

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