The Best Christian Meditation Verses on Shame

When we need to overcome shame, we can use Christian meditation to find freedom. God does not shame us, no matter what we have done wrong. His love and grace covers our failures, and we can find freedom from shame through him alone.

Freedom from Shame

Shame has been a part of my life story. I’ve experienced shame due to cutting words. Less-than-favorable life experiences also stirred up shame in me. Some of my poor choices also led to shame. Yet God has given me freedom from shame through the power of his Word.

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The Best Christian Meditation Verses on Hope

The Best Christian Meditation Verses on Hope quote

When we need hope, we can use Christian meditation to find a new focus. Our hope can be found in God alone, and his Word provides all the hope we need. When we look for hope in God’s Word, we can defeat doubt and discouragement.

Hope in God’s Word

Hope does not come naturally to me. I’ve struggled to find hope in hard times in the past. As a long-time victim of emotional abuse, hope seems particularly elusive to me. Yet God is calling me to focus on hope as I move forward on a healing path.

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