Book Reviews
Book Review: Under a Cloudless Sky
It’s been a while since I read a good Christian fiction novel, and I’m happy to introduce Under a Cloudless Sky to you today.
5 Fabulous New Books for Intentional Parenting
Intentional parenting in today’s culture is hard, but it can be done well if you have a plan. These five books are excellent resources for parents who want to raise godly, responsible children. Together, they will help you come up with an intentional parenting plan.
Top 10 Books of 2017
I read over 100 books in 2017, and I’m sharing my top ten favorites with you today! You won’t regret spending time with one of these books in 2018. I’ve provided a link to my original reviews under each one. Keep reading to learn how you can win a signed copy!
2 Devotionals to Inspire Your Quiet Time
I’m a huge fan of devotionals, and I’m always looking for fresh inspiration. Here are two new books I’ve found that are perfect for my morning quiet time.