Torn between two homes: Visits to Daddy’s house

1985 sept. pic0001

Like many children of divorce, I was torn between two homes.  My mom had full custody of me and my sister, but we visited my dad on a regular basis.  He lived less than 10 miles away.  I looked forward to seeing him, but I had learned with experience that it wouldn’t be easy.  I always left with a sense of loss and hurt. 

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Why God made me an orchid girl

orchids 2010 2

One afternoon several years ago, I cried out to God from my prayer closet:  “Why do you allow me to feel so much pain?”

I was standing in the intersection of old grief and new grief.  That summer I wrote many memories in the form of poems, an excruciating process of reliving past hurts.  I brought old hurts out in the open on paper, examined the pain, grieved the loss of what they revealed, and worked to put them to rest. 

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