Peace at Church: Day 17 OBS

Welcome to Day 17 of the Christmas Peace for Busy Moms online Bible study! Today I have a special interview with my new friend Sarah Behan.  Sarah is a follower of Jesus Christ in the green islands of New Zealand. She is married to Tim, a carpenter, and has two little ones: Josiah {3.5} and Rosalie {2}.

Sarah loves God and growing in her relationship with Him. She loves making her house a home, creating a quiet but rich life for her children, watching TV series and creating memories with her husband, and writing out all the thoughts that run through her head on her blog, The Life of This Mother. Oh, and she loves tea and all things floral.

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A Fresh Batch of Book Reviews

Four book reviews today!  A Christmas devotional, a book to help you hear Jesus’ voice, a Scripture memorization help, and a memoir.  Enjoy!

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: A Countdown to Christmas

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: A Countdown to Christmas

Each day in December, read a history of Christmas carols and movies along with a brief devotional.  Each day includes a recipe or a craft.  I’m looking forward to testing the recipes for lime foot scrub and sugarplum cookies this year.

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