Prayer for Holy Week #3

This is the fourth prayer in a series of Easter prayers, featuring photos from my friend’s recent trip to the Holy Land.  Today’s photos are from the Sea of Galilee.


Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast episode:

On the banks of this sea

men left everything behind

and followed you, Jesus.

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Prayer for Holy Week #2

This is the third prayer in a series of Easter prayers, featuring photos from my friend’s recent trip to the Holy Land.  Today’s photo is from the Dead Sea, not too far from the town of Bethany, where Jesus was anointed on the Tuesday of Holy Week.


Prefer to listen? Here’s the podcast episode.

When she approached the table

with her beautiful vase,

you did not condemn her.

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Easter Prayer: Sermon on the Mount

This is the first prayer in a series of Easter prayers, featuring photos from my friend’s recent trip to the Holy Land.

Today’s photos were taken at the actual site where the Sermon on the Mount was preached.


How quick we are to forget your teachings, Jesus.

So much like your people in the days you walked this earth,

we forget your words and forsake your authority.

Once you sat on a hillside,

teaching your disciples and anyone who cared to listen.

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