As the Wounds Healed is a portion of a quote I read in Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s book, “Sacred Scars,” and I’m pondering it with you today.
For Lent 2025, I’ll be writing new blog posts every day. I’m writing for just five unedited minutes on a quote of the day to deepen our faith in this Lenten season.
Day 10 of Lent 2025 – March 14
Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a dear friend of mine. Her books cost her much to write in terms of spiritual warfare, and they are precious gifts to those of us who are suffering. She wrote this book in the trenches, and I’m so thankful for the wisdom she shares in it.
This book affirmed so many of my hurts. It comforted me and validated me. Yet it also pointed a way forward for me, which is essential so I don’t wallow in my legitimate status as a victim.
Here’s more context for the quote above, taken from Chapter 13: Be the Gift You Wish You’d Had.
“In some of the hardest battles, people have said to me, ‘You’ll be able to use this to minister to other people.’ I suspected that was true because I know God doesn’t waste our pain. But in full confession, it made me wonder, didn’t God care that I needed someone to encourage my heart? When our pain or our grief is fresh and raw, knowing that our pain will help others with theirs does little to mitigate the hurt, the longing, the disdain, the despair we endure. So, if you are there now, I can relate. For me, it was only as the wounds healed to sacred scars that I could appreciate how God used my painful experiences to minister to others, and then I was grateful for them.”
See how insightful and wise Michelle is? Please order her book HERE and encourage her by leaving an honest review.
As the Wounds Healed to Sacred Scars
I’m seeing sure signs that my wounds are healing to sacred scars.
First sign. I saw one of the people that hurt me out in the wild this week. Instead of being gripped with fear or choked by trauma, I quietly returned to my car until the threat of encountering that person passed. I realized I did this to protect myself as a smart move rather than a knee-jerk reaction. The person even seemed like a stranger to me rather than a monster or villain. This is a huge step forward, and I’m grateful it’s proof my wounds are healing.
Second sign. Just last night in my small group, I said that in recent months as I’ve shared my story with unbelievers, they show greater respect and even awe for me. Even though they aren’t yet in agreement with my beliefs, I sense they can clearly see the only explanation for how I’ve survived such massive trauma is my faith, because my experiences would have broken them to pieces.
I said, “I’m just beginning to realize that if my horror story, which I wouldn’t want to relive or wish on anyone, could bring someone to Christ, can I really call it all bad?” If you know me, you know how giant a step forward this is. It’s a sure sign of healing and redemption that’s just beginning.
I am thankful that God is finally showing me how my sacred scars are healing and that they can be used to help others. Just a few months ago, this quote didn’t feel very helpful or comforting to read. However, now that I’m tiptoeing into a new season, I can reach out my pinky finger and grab onto the tiny blade of green hope that exists in this 2025 Lenten season, and I’m grateful.
Join me again tomorrow for another reflection on a different quote. I encourage you to reflect on a special gift God has given you and let me know about it in the comments.
'As the wounds healed to sacred scars...' - ponder this quote with me. #quote #quoteoftheday #lent #spiritualgrowth Click To TweetFind all my additional resources for Lent on this page.
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