Today’s post on blind faith is based on chapter 8 of my book, Newness of Life.
In this chapter about scattering and gathering stones, I spoke of smashing idol worship and remembering God’s faithfulness.
Enjoy three book reviews and check out my latest book, Newness of Life, on sale for $1.99 this week only! Katharine and Martin Luther by Michelle DeRusha This year marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, led by Martin Luther. As a longtime Lutheran this book idea held appeal for me. I just started reading this book … Read more
Festive Fridays are for counting blessings, recapping posts, announcing giveaways, and sharing special treats with you. Special Treat Since I plan to be at the She Speaks 2017 conference on my daughter’s birthday, we are celebrating her half-birthday with a snowman party this weekend. Even though the temperature is forecasted to be in the 60’s, we’ll have a snowy, … Read more
Today’s post on blind faith is based on chapter 8 of my book, Newness of Life.
In this chapter about scattering and gathering stones, I spoke of smashing idol worship and remembering God’s faithfulness.
Today’s post is based on chapter 7 of my book, Newness of Life.
Recently I read a post on Jennifer Dukes Lee’s blog about grief, penned by Cheri Gregory. Cheri wrote so beautifully about grief, I want to include an excerpt here.
Today’s post is based on chapter 6 of my book, Newness of Life.
I’ve done my fair share of crying. The last time I cried was Sunday evening, when I felt overstimulated in a good way from a meeting with other writers. My tears needed to flow to release internal pressure. I felt relieved and reset after those tears fell.
I won a contest with this post on how God collects my tears in little bottles. If you’re struggling with a time to cry, this post can encourage you.
I intentionally seek out times for laughing to counter my serious, melancholy nature. Here are my top ten favorite sources of laughter: